CD part VIII: Setup the Nexus Repository Manager

  • 30/12/2016
  • 2 minuten leestijd

CD part VIII: Setup the Nexus Repository Manager

To store the artifacts we create, we need to have an artifact manager. During this blog i will explain the steps needed to install Nexus Repository Manager

nexus installation


  1. we need to download postgresql
  2. go to:
  3. go to the Downloads menu-item
  4. click on the Nexus Repository Manager OSS link
  5. next click on the button for the zip-file
  6. now we have the next tree-structure C:\tools\nexus-2.12.1-01-bundle
  7. within this folder we have 2 folder:nexus-2.12.1-01 and sonatype-work

create windows service for nexus

  1. search for services in the menu and open the Service Manager or Right-click on Computer icon on desktop and select Manage, it'll open a new window. Now go to Services & Applications -> Services. You can also open the same from Administrative Tools -> Computer Management.
  2. open Command Prompt as administrator
  3. nagivate to C:\tools\nexus-2.12.1-01-bundle\nexus-2.12.1-01\bin\jsw\windows-x86-64
  4. and run the install-nexus.bat file

install nexus

  1. open the Service Manager and refresh the list

nexus service manager

  1. click on start the service
  2. great nexus is up and running
  3. open a browser and enter the url http://localhost:8081/nexus nexus service
  4. click on the Log In link and login with
    1. username: admin
    2. password: admin123
  5. after we logged in we are navigating to Repositories > Central > Configuration > Remote Repository Access section and set Download Remote Indexes to True. We need to do this to browse the maven index change remote index

configure the security: disable anonymous user

  1. first we need to disable the anonymous user
  2. in the left menu navigate to Security > Users, select the anonymous user and set the Status from Active to Disabled

disable anonymous user

configure the security: change deployment user

  1. next we are configuring the deployment user to upload our artifacts in nexus
  2. select the deployment user and change
    1. First Name:
    2. Last Name:
    3. Email:
  3. right-click on the changed user and set password
    1. New Password: admin
    2. Confirm Password: admin
  4. save the changes by clicking on the button Set Password